Friday, August 31, 2007
Blo&Ping Explained
Everyone is trying to blog and ping to get their websites indexed into the search engines.
Although this can be a great tool, all marketers should first understand exactly what they're getting themselves into before starting.
This article is to serve as a beginners guide to getting started with blogging and pinging.1. What is a blog?A "blog" is short for "web log."
A web log is an online diary or journal.
The main aspect blog is that it is frequently updated - at least once a week, sometimes every day or even more.Since blogs are regularly updated, they tend to carry more value than regular static HTML pages (in some cases).
2. What is a ping?A ping is a program that sends out a brief request for a response from another computer or server. When you ping on the Internet, you send out a program to see if a remote server is responding.
3. How do bloggers use pings?Two main reasons to use pings with blogs: First and foremost is to let the search engines know that you have updated your website so they can send their spiders.
Secondly, pings also update the websites on the internet who are using your blog on their site through a feature called RSS feeds, they are displaying your messages on their site).
4. So what is the big deal about blogging and pinging?Smart affiliate marketers use blogging and pinging to help get their sites crawled and indexed by the search engine spiders a lot quicker than they normally would.They set up a blog either on their main site or on a sub-domain of their site.
They then post links to their product pages on their blog and send out a ping to all the major servers on the Internet.
That ping says "This site has fresh content, time to go add it to your database!" It's a trigger that sends the search spiders looking for updated pages on your site. When they find the new pages, search engines tend to index them much faster.Blogging and pinging will not get you into EVERY search engine overnight.
As of this writing, it is most effective with getting into Yahoo.But often MSN, and even Google, will follow in short order.Combine blogging and pinging with good link recruiting for the best indexing.Also, blog and ping on a regular basis if you want to “stay” indexed in the search engines.
6. Is blogging and pinging a requirement to get indexed?No.
You can get indexed quickly by getting plenty of natural backlinks. But for backlinks to be most effective, they have to appear as if they were natural and this can take weeks if not months. Blogging and pinging does seem to drastically shorten the process.
7. Is there a downside to blogging and pinging?Yes, some marketers are starting to abuse this strategy and the engines are getting wise to it! If you go over-board you risk getting your website completely banned and removed.
Also, many marketers are blogging and pinging for a few days and then forgetting about the website - your website will likely be de-indexed if you do not continue to naturally blog and ping.
The bottom line is that blogging and pinging is a great strategy right now to help you get your website indexed faster.However, the old natural way of getting incoming links is still the best and most assured way - not to mention the long-term benefits of having incoming links.
If you have not yet started blogging and pinging, I suggest you start with a practice website first, not your main website.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monetize Ur Blog
Well ho do i monitize ur blog?Ther quite a few ways to go about.
AdSense and other CPC programs is the answer you will most likely get.
However, for new blog that have just been created and have little traffic and a small reader base, AdSense is often not a very lucrative venture In these situations, the best way to make the most money out of your blog, is through directly advertising web sites and businesses.
This may take a bit more work than just setting up a Google AdSense or other PPC or affiliate program account and then copying the code into the code of your blog, but you earn much more this way and it is definitely worth the hard work.
However, with the launch of Blog Advertising Networks, the process of getting advertisers for your blog has become much easier.
Services such as will have listings of dozens of advertisers who want to advertise on blogs.
You simply create ablog post about the company and business and InBlogAds takes care of the rest.They read over your post and approve it and then you will be paid for your work.
For the typical new blog, it can take more than a month to earn just a measley $10; however with new programs such as InBlogAds, bloggers can earn $10 per blog post for less than 5 minutes a post. Even of you only spend 5 minutes a day on these pots, you can earn $300 a month with your blog.
If you are willing to spend more time and make more than one post daily or run multiple blogs, you can earn well over $1000 a month or $12,000 a year for less than ½ an hour of work a day.
This is a much more efficient way to earn with your blog than PPC networks. Still, while using InBlogAds, you can still run PPC campaigns so if your web site does get traffic, you can monetize your blog in multiple ways
Keep blogfun
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Content 4 Blogging
First of all, you have to be able to maintain interest in the topic yourself.
If you spend time writing articles or content on a subject that is of little or no interest to you, your boredom will surely come across in your articles.
However, if you choose to write about something you are passionate about, then readers will see how devoted you are to the subject yourself and they will also pick up some of that passion themselves.
It is also important to write about something you care about because you will have to spend a little time keeping your blog updated.
New information and content should be added regularly to keep your readers coming back for more. You will also have to spend some time doing research on your topic to make sure your ideas stay current!
After you have decided on the theme of your blog , start posting and work out a schedule as to how often and when you will post.
It is a good idea to try and post something at least once a day. It may not always be a full length article, but even a comment on another article, which you can give a link to, will help to keep you current.
It will take some effort to get your blog going, but once you are on the right track, it will become easier and easier to maintain.
Eventually, no matter how into your topic you are, there will come a day when you just are not feeling the passion. There are some ways you can cope with that.
There are methods you can use to help create new content for your blog without feeling like you are doing the same thing day in and day out.
First of all, check out what other bloggers are doing with blogs on your topic. Many times you can post a blog that is actually in response to something another person wrote on their site. You can do this as long as you post a link back to the other person's blog. This can actually draw new readers as you "network" with others.
Also take the time to look at forums related to your topic. These forums can give you ideas for questions and answers to those questions, as well as possible article topics as you talk with others. This helps you gain knowledge of your field and gain new contacts who can become potential readers and then potential customers.
If you still need something to blog about, search for your topic in a search engine such as Yahoo or Google. You can search for news articles related to your field. These articles can serve as a springboard to help you find something to talk about.Remember the importance of consistency in posting.
You want major search engines to find your site, and this is done through optimization of your blog articles.
If you have a higher ranking with a search engine, you will in turn attract more potential customers and generate more profit!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Money to Blog
Let me tell a little of how money is being amde thru Blogs
blogs have become the SEO tool of choice by many webmasters.
It is Because of their content. Search engines love content.
The more content your blog can provide on a steady basis, the better your ability to increase traffic.Blogs are easy to start and anyone can for more effective SEO management.
What content do you place in your blog?
You can place any useful information or articles about your product or service.
If, for example, you are a wedding planner, you should write about tips future brides may not be aware of in relation to planning their wedding.
You might talk about wedding scams, catering faux pas, honeymoon hotspots etc...Let the readers know you have something more to offer then just a simple service.
People who feel comfortable about a person or organization are far more likely to buy from them.
Let your readers know who you are and what you are capable of doing for them.
Now that you have your content, you need to get it into the reader’s hands.
The advantage of using a blog is that you can syndicate your content.
Rich Site Summary or RSS is a format used to syndicate your content instantly.
In other words, people can have your content posted on their web site or sent to their email.
Most blognews sites will give you your own special URL to submit to sites that syndicate content.
These sites will then contact your URL for the content.
The more you update your site the more your site will be indexed or PINGED by RSS feeds.To help ensure your RSS feed is being indexed, enter the RSS tag into the of your site.
Just enter your site title and the URL with your special URL for RSS.
This and other tags can be used in most blog .
Take advantage of them.Creating a blog will allow your content to be syndicated which in turn will increase traffic to your web site as well as build your link popularity through RSS and blog directories.
This will give you and your products or services recognition.
The knowledge and personal insights that you share will help build your business and your customer relations.
The RSS feeds and blog directories will also help build your page rank on search engines.
Blogs have all the ingredients to be one of the best free advertising tools the Internet has to offer.
I hope you start Blogging for money soon
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Money Profit in Blogging Oh Ya
Can one really Make a Profit Blogging.
Well let us take a look onto Blogging
A blog is a simple but powerful tool which all marketers and businesses should be utilising to explode their sales, build credibility and improve customer retention.
Blog news provide a very simple, quick and easy means to add fresh content to your website.
As I’m sure you’ve heard many times over ‘content is king’ from a search engines’ view point and by providing high quality, regularly updated content your website should benefit with regards to your search engine ranking.
By providing fresh, high quality relevant content you will gain an increase of both first time visitors and repeat visitors, they will come back to check out your new content.
Providing it’s interesting, relevant and useful to them, you will begin to build relationships with your readers, increasing your credibility and building their trust in you and your business.These repeat visitors will be exposed to your messages more and begin to trust you and your recommendations.
This in turn will fuel sales and referrals. Just make sure you don’t recommend a product you haven’t tried, if it is bad you will lose all credibility.Whenever you buy a new product, review it in your blog and be brutally honest, your readers will love you for it.
Take a completely unbiased view point and talk about both the positives and negatives of each product. In essence you are providing more of an insight into the product than the sales page itself, this will help convert those prospects that are ‘sitting on the fence’ so to speak.
As it has been shown that prospects are seven to ten times more likely to buy from a blog recommendation than from other sources!
There are many ways in which you can monetize your blog, for example, by using it as a tool to promote your own products or affiliate programs. Other ways that you can generate extra income through your blog are through the Google Adsense program, selling banner/link space as your traffic increases or by adding you own opt-in sign up form to which you send your newsletter or other targeted offers.
Your blog can be syndicated using RSS, enabling savvy webmasters to use your blog content on their web pages.
This benefits them as they have regularly updated fresh content for their website and benefits you through increased exposure, free targeted traffic and extra inbound links.
To get the most benefit from my blog I use a technique called ‘blogging and pinging’, whereby every time I post to my blog, I ping to inform the search engines and blog directories I’ve updated my blog.You should submit your blog feed to blog directories to gain more exposure.
Add to your blog regularly provide good quality content and reviews and you will be on your way to blogging success.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tips On Blogging (software)
Today we will share free tips on blogging.
So how do you choose the right software for your new blog fun?
Understand that the following Tips are one choosing software for you:
1. CommentsWhatever blog software you choose, you'll want to make sure that it has an area for comments from visitors.
This will help you understand what is successful in your blog and what is not, as well as guide you in future blogs.
This is a really great tool and should be part of your blog software.
2.Ping UpdatesThese allow you to update your blog and are very important in blog software. Make sure the blog software you are interested in provides automatic ping updates.
3.TrackbackIf you are discussing your blog on another blog, or simply adding information to another blog, trackback will allow you to update this information.
This is a little confusing, but trackback allows you to talk on your blog about information on another blog and ping the writer of the other blog to let them know what is going on. Trackback is certainly a feature you want in your blog software.
4. PingbackPingback is similar to trackback, but it just sends a URL to the other blog to let them know you are talking about their blog on your blog.
5. Archiving You want a blog software that supports archiving, and most of them do. The reason for this is you will want to save all of your past blogs by the date they were published and archiving allows you to do that.
You want to keep your blogs organized and in categories, if you have them, so this option is really a great one for most bloggers.
There you have 5 Free tips.
There are lots of types of blog software available. You just need to do the research and compare what you find with what you need and then... start blogging!
The software i personally have been using you might want to try out are
The following 2 programs a re a must have in your library.I know i have them.
If you really are serious you should get a copy of BLOGGING TO THE BANK (just click Blogging to the bank or on the banner above and your ready.)
The other program i would recommend is THE BLOGGING MACHINE.
These are a must have if you really want to earn income while you blog easy.
I have personally used both of them and have enjoyed continued success Creating a blog.
Again they are the ones that have given me success you are free to also try them or you can do some more research and find others.
until next time keep it here for future powerful blog postings.
blog fun is quite simple