With an exclusive look inside Google, Disney, Yahoo, IBM, and others, this book shows how your company can use blogs to raise its visibility and transform internal communications
All companies, large and small, know that reaching customers directly and influencing--and being influenced by--them is essential to success. BlogFree/index2.php'>BlogFree/index2.php'>Blog Marketing
shows marketing and PR professionals as well small business owners how to do just that without spending a lot of money. Readers will learn how to tap into the power of blogs to create a direct line of communication with customers, raise the company's visibility, and position their organizations as industry thought leaders.
"BlogFree/index2.php'>BlogFree/index2.php'>Blogs will soon become a staple in the information diet of every serious businessperson . . . . BlogFree/index2.php'>BlogFree/index2.php'>Blogs offer an accelerated and efficient approach to acquiring and understanding the kind of information all of us need to make business decisions."
-- John Battelle, Business 2.0
Customer Review: Informative primer for corporate bloggers
A very useful book for those who want to understand how corporate blogging works, how their companies could use blogs and how to succeed in corporate blogging. Among the things I particularly like are: (1) The assertion and further elaboration that BlogFree/index2.php'>BlogFree/index2.php'>Blogging is really about three things: "Information", "Relationships" and "Knowledge Management". (2) "Be Real: The Scoble Story" which highlights the importance of authenticity and honesty in blogging. (3) "External BlogFree/index2.php'>BlogFree/index2.php'>Blogging Personality Types" where the values of different blogging styles (e.g. The Barber, The Blacksmith, The Bridge, The Window, The Signpost, The Pub, The Newspaper) was discussed.
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Wordpress is a simple and powerful way to start blogging. If you're not an IT expert but want to use a state of the art blogging system to give your blog the best chance of success, while giving you the time to focus on content and your readers, WordPress is the right system for you, and this book is the right place to start. It will give you a rapid and straightforward introduction to the rich and powerful features of WordPress and get you up and running with a state of the art blog as quickly and painlessly as possible. WordPress is an open source blog engine released under GNU general public license. It allows users to easily create dynamic blogs with great content and many outstanding features. It is an ideal tool for developing blogs and though it is chiefly used for blogging, it can also be used as a complete CMS with very little effort. Its versality and ease of use has attracted a large, enthusiastic, and helpful community of users. If you want to create powerful, fully-featured blogs in no time, this book is for you. This book will help you explore WordPress showing you what it offers and how to go about building your blog with the system. You will be introduced to the main aspects of a blog - users, communities, posts, comments, news feeds - and learn how to manage them using WordPress. You will develop the skills and confidence to manage all types of content, be it text or images, on your blog, and also understand how users interact with the blog. In working through the book you'll be inspired as well as informed, and have the capability and the ideas for make your blog cutting edge and exciting to maximise its impact. From this book you'll learn about: Installing and configuring WordPress on a local development machine or a web hosting service Managing posts and comments Working with Image galleries, calendars, etc. Organising users and Communities Creating and Installing themes to control the page layout Linking to the outside world - Feeds, Syndication, and Podcasting Customising Widgets and Plugins Using WordPress as a regular CMS Written in a clear, easy to read style, the book takes you the essential tasks required to create a feature-rich blog as quickly as possible. From initial setup to customizing modules, each task is explained in a clear, practical way using an example blog developed through the book. Who this book is written for This book is a beginner's guide to WordPress, for people who are new to blogging and want to create their own blogs in a simple and straightforward manner. It does not require any detailed knowledge of programming or web development, and any IT confident user will be able to use the book to produce an impressive blog. The table of contents is: WordPress and the World of BlogFree/index2.php'>BlogFree/index2.php'>Blogging Getting Started with WordPress Choosing and Installing a Theme BlogFree/index2.php'>BlogFree/index2.php'>Blog Your Heart Out Non-BlogFree/index2.php'>BlogFree/index2.php'>Blog Content Feeds, Syndication, and Podcasting Getting the Theme Tailor-Made for You Managing Users and Building Communities Widgets and Plugins Administrator's Reference
Customer Review: Good for beginning Wordpress developers, bad for the rest of the world.
This book is over-priced, padded with useless screenshots and poorly edited. The first 100 pages - and some of the back hundred for that matter - are filled with distracting explanations of topics irrelevant to properly using and building bloggy websites with Wordpress. The English is a mishmash of South Asian/British/American that reads like it was written by a tired programmer at 3 in the morning, and edited by someone with their eye on the clock rather than on the text. That said, while end-users should just say no - the online Wordpress documentation is better and more to the point, and there are some good third-party websites as well - for a beginning Wordpress developer the chapters on theming and coding plug-ins are quite helpful. Well, at least I did found them so while doing a quick WP project. If only there had been 2 or 3 more chapters extending those lessons! In short: this book is definitely over-priced. End-users should avoid this book; beginning WP developers will definitely find two or three chapters excellent how-tos on theming and coding plug-ins.
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